
Box Set And Spider Web Curriculum: A Carefully Thought-Out Teaching Structure

3rd April 2023


Being knowledge rich does not necessarily mean that students will only have to learn from books. In a couple of years, teachers all around the world have been adopting the analogy of spider web and box sets to discuss knowledge acquisition. These techniques can be used to facilitate working memory, curriculum development and design process, and study skills. However, if you are new to these concepts, keep reading about them to understand them individually.

The Spider Web Curriculum

The Spider Web Curriculum is a student-centered teaching approach that encourages students to take ownership of their learning. Each stage of the technique is carefully planned thus connecting the components to one another and linking them to form an overall structure. The curriculum is structured around a central question or theme that students explore through a series of discussions, activities, and projects. The goal of the Spider Web Curriculum is to promote critical thinking skills, collaboration, and creativity.

Spider Web Curriculum

The central element of the Spider Web Curriculum is the "spider web" discussion. In this discussion, the teacher poses a central question related to the theme or topic of the curriculum. Students then engage in a structured discussion, building off of one another's ideas and responses. The teacher serves as a facilitator, guiding the discussion and encouraging students to think critically and deeply about the topic.

Benefits Of The Spider Web Curriculum

Although this analogy can be potentially misleading, it acts as a great starting point for chunking complex ideas into more manageable categories. Apart from allowing students to retrieve and retain information, here are some of the benefits of this curriculum:

  • Student Centred-Learning

One of the benefits of the Spider Web Curriculum is that it promotes student-centered learning. By giving students ownership of their learning, they are more engaged and motivated to participate in class. The curriculum also promotes critical thinking skills, as students are encouraged to analyze and evaluate information from different perspectives.

  • Fosters Collaboration And Teamwork

Another benefit of the Spider Web Curriculum is that it encourages collaboration and teamwork. The spider web discussion format requires students to listen to one another and build off of each other's ideas, fostering a sense of community in the classroom. The curriculum also promotes creativity, as students are encouraged to think outside the box and come up with unique solutions to problems.

The Box Set Curriculum

The Box Set Curriculum, on the other hand, is a structured teaching approach that emphasizes mastery of key concepts and skills. It can be considered a well-written TV series as it involves designing an educational phase that weaves all the little things into a gripping tale.

The curriculum is structured around a series of "boxes," each of which contains a set of learning objectives and activities. Students work through each box at their own pace, mastering the concepts and skills before moving on to the next box.

Benefits Of Box Set Curriculum

This analogy sits well with the human mind being exquisitely tuned to remembering and understanding stories. Apart from having cognitive and psychological benefits, some of the other benefits are:

1. Structured Learning Path

One of the benefits of the Box Set Curriculum is that it provides a clear and structured learning path for students. Students know exactly what they need to do to master a particular skill or concept, and they can work at their own pace to achieve mastery. The curriculum also promotes accountability, as students are responsible for their own learning and progress.

2. Mastery Of Concepts

Another benefit of the Box Set Curriculum is that it promotes mastery learning. Students must demonstrate mastery of a skill or concept before moving on to the next box, ensuring that they have a solid foundation of knowledge before tackling more complex topics. The curriculum also promotes personalized learning, as students can work through the boxes at their own pace and focus on the areas where they need the most help.

Instruction Principles

The Spider Web and Box Set Curriculums can be used in a variety of subject areas, including language arts, social studies, science, and math. Both methodologies can be adapted to fit the needs and interests of individual students, making them a flexible and effective teaching approach.

Here are some steps to follow for proper instruction:

  • Review Material

Before starting your next session offer a two minutes recap of what happened in your previous class. This will allow your students to remember key information and understand what is going to happen next in the upcoming classes.

  • Questioning

Makes sure to ask your plenty of questions to your students to further their understanding of the content. Select a broader perspective of the topic or the subject that you are teaching and slowly delve into minute sections to gauge how much they have grasped the materials.

  • Modeling and Sequencing

Teaching your students episodically will allow them to foster a proper understanding of the material and since the full content is introduced bit by bit and in small steps, they do not find the information overwhelming.

  • Practice Stages

Once your students have understood the study material you can now practice synthesizing the information by discussing it in class. Figure out who remembers all the minute details and appears more knowledgeable than others. This will guide them to develop a better understanding of what has happened and what they missed.

Promote Innovative Learning

While teaching students each lesson should be a small stepping stone so that they will be able to stand on their own. Using such innovative methodologies ensures that they achieve a high success rate and progress successfully academically. By inspiring them to discuss their learning and working hard to improve their own understanding they can eventually master the content. However, if you have no idea how to design a curriculum or be creative with teaching methodologies, consider pursuing an international teaching diploma for better insights.

Written By : Sanjana

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